Beio: Pussy Goes Wild
2021.10.12 - 2021.10.17
Pussy goes wild——six performances in six days that present six different forms of performance by Beio
出品 Present By:C5CNM
10月12日—10月17日2021 每天下午
Day 1, 舞蹈 Dance Number
10,12, Tues.
开演/Time: 18:00
表演时长/Duration:约40分钟 Approximate 40’
Day 2, 脱口秀 Roaster
10,13, Wed.
开演/Time: 18:00
表演时长/Duration:约40分钟 Approximate 40’
Day 3, 夜莺 Nightingale
10,14, Thur.
开演/Time: 19:00
表演时长/Duration:随机或约3小时 variable to 3 hours
Day 4, 狗 Dogness
10,15, Fri.
开演/Time: 15:00
表演时长/Duration:随机或约3小时 variable to 3 hours
Day 5, 即兴 Improvisation
10,16, Sat.
开演/Time: 16:00
表演时长/Duration:约40分钟 Approximate 40’
Day 6, 茶壶直播 Tea Party
10,17, Sun.
开演/Time: 12:00
表演时长/Duration:随机或约4小时 variable to 4 hoursArtist:
Beio, artist and interface engineer, lives and works in Beijing. His creative effort engages dance, performance, theater, script writing and stage acting. His works have appeared on the legendary stage of Club Berghain in Berlin and other prestigious venues such as the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, Drama Festival in Tokyo and Vienna Festival.